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id 온라인 상담

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아이디성형외과에서는 전문적인 상담을 위해
담당 원장님이 직접 성실하게 답변해드리고 있습니다.


  • 양악∙돌출입
  • M***a
  • 2004-12-15 00:00:00
  • 조회 : 7744

Hello, Dr. Park

As I wrote from the previous e-mail, I am ready to go to Korea for an operation. Last time you gave me an advice that the surgery needs to be done in two steps including the nose.
I am staying in Korea for three weeks, arriving on 10th of January early morning.
I believe X-rays and visual inspection need to be done prior to all these, as well.
So, Please help me make an appointment for you consultation prior to the surgery.
Maybe 11th aboud 10am?

Thank you very much

Misha Lee from SF


Dear Misha Lee,
Thanks for reminding me your schedule in advance.
We already put your name on Jan 13 in our schedule book.
All the procedures will be done without any problems as routine.
About your appointment, we have a operation schedule on 11th of January and we have only two days for before the surgery, which is a little bit hurry, would your please visit our clinic as early as 8:30 AM.

Best Regards,
Sanghoon Park, M.D.

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